The 'Law office of Deitra Ennis' has professional and caring staff providing Debt Management, Bankruptcy and business and personal foreclosure services. The company offers no obligation free consultation and renders excellent debt management services.
Contact Information
The Law Offices of Deitra L Ennis
Address: 880 H Street Suite 200
Anchorage Alaska [ AK ] 99501
Phone Number: (907)279-3333 Website URL:
Dietra Ennis was formerly under the employment of The Honorable Herbert Ross. Deitra has also been employed by the Alaska Supreme Court. In fact, among the debt management and the bankruptcy filing companies, Law office of Deitra Ennis is held in high esteem.
Law office of Deitra Ennis is very harsh on the policy of the collection agencies to threaten and harass the debtor. The company also tries to alert the people against the vices of filing bankruptcy. It always advises debt consolidation against bankruptcy. Only when the situation had gone beyond control, the company asks its customer to consider bankruptcy.
Service Provided
Debt consolidation, credit repair, refinancing home mortgage loans, debt settlement, budgeting, etc.
Future Expansion Plans
The company offers many different alternatives to bankruptcy such as debt consolidation, careful budgeting, cutting down on living expenses, etc.
Contact Information
The Law Offices of Deitra L Ennis
Address: 880 H Street Suite 200
Anchorage Alaska [ AK ] 99501
Phone Number: (907)279-3333 Website URL:
Dietra Ennis was formerly under the employment of The Honorable Herbert Ross. Deitra has also been employed by the Alaska Supreme Court. In fact, among the debt management and the bankruptcy filing companies, Law office of Deitra Ennis is held in high esteem.
Law office of Deitra Ennis is very harsh on the policy of the collection agencies to threaten and harass the debtor. The company also tries to alert the people against the vices of filing bankruptcy. It always advises debt consolidation against bankruptcy. Only when the situation had gone beyond control, the company asks its customer to consider bankruptcy.
Service Provided
Debt consolidation, credit repair, refinancing home mortgage loans, debt settlement, budgeting, etc.
Future Expansion Plans
The company offers many different alternatives to bankruptcy such as debt consolidation, careful budgeting, cutting down on living expenses, etc.
Office Location: