American Equity Funding, Inc. Preview

AMERICAN EQUITY FUNDING INC is in the Security Brokers, Dealers and Flotation Companies industry in VAN BUREN, AR. This company currently has approximately 1 to 5 employees and annual sales of Under $500,000.

American Equity Funding, Inc. purchases Contracts, Mortgages, & Deeds of Trust nationwide. These instruments are tailor made and typically no two notes are the same. For this reason we spend a lot of time analyzing the information presented to us with a note. There are over 100 factors that can affect the value of a note. For example, loan to value ratios, credit scores, down payment, term of the mortgage, seasoning of the mortgage, interest rate, if the property is owner occupied or non-owner occupied, what type property it is and many more factors go into purchasing your note and arriving at a fair price.

Contact Information:

American Equity Funding, Inc.
7005 Alma Highway
Van Buren, Arkansas 72956
Toll Free

We take our time and work hard to get you a fair price for you contract. During normal working hours we have a live person to answer the phone and do not have an automated phone service. The owner of the company has 30 years of real estate and note buying experience and is available every day to help you with your needs. He has chosen a knowledgeable staff with over 43 years of experience that are also qualified to buy your note.

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