Consumer Credit Counseling Center Alabama is a debt consolidation company in Alabama, United States. It was established on May, 1994 with some provided services such as: Money Management, Credit Counseling, Budgeting, Debt Consolidation, debt management plans for both secured & unsecured types of debt, etc.
2806 Ruffner Rd
Birmingham, Alabama
- Consumer Credit Counseling Center Alabama is a non-profit national company which is Christian based. The company offers free financial advice assistance package. This is subject to a one time $55 Personal Financial Analysis fee as well as a recurring fee of $25/month.
- The personal financial analysis package is part of the efforts of the company to help its customers eliminate their credit card and other debts. Clients can receive a pre-analysis financial worksheet sent to them via
-> Regular Mail: $20 fee
-> Online Report: $25 fee
-> Fax: Free
The company usually processes financial worksheets within 24-72 hours after dispatchment.
2806 Ruffner Rd
Birmingham, Alabama
- Consumer Credit Counseling Center Alabama is a non-profit national company which is Christian based. The company offers free financial advice assistance package. This is subject to a one time $55 Personal Financial Analysis fee as well as a recurring fee of $25/month.
- The personal financial analysis package is part of the efforts of the company to help its customers eliminate their credit card and other debts. Clients can receive a pre-analysis financial worksheet sent to them via
-> Regular Mail: $20 fee
-> Online Report: $25 fee
-> Fax: Free
The company usually processes financial worksheets within 24-72 hours after dispatchment.