Alabama Central Credit Union

Alabama Central Credit Union is known for its trustful relationships with its clients. Established since 1938, the company has survived various economic recessions and proved that it can provide useful financial services (which means returning customers).


3601 4th Avenue South,
Birmingham, Alabama 35222


Member Services Team

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Branch Location & Contact Info

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Other Popular Numbers

Loan Line : (800) 683-5704
CALL24 : (205) 591-SAVE or (800) 722-5524

Phishing Notification

Collections Department

Phone : (205) 595-5523
WATS : (800) 611-8653
Email :

Administrative Offices

Phone : 205-591-2228
Fax : 205-595-8078
WATS : 800-223-2415
eMail :

The U.S. economy was still floundering in the depths of the Great Depression in 1938 when Alabama Central Credit Union opened its doors to its first members. Since then, the organization has weathered good and bad economic times and not only survived, but expanded to provide quality financial benefits to the employees of over 700 companies around the state.

With 8 branches scattered throughout Alabama, the Credit Union employs people dedicated to improving the quality of life for its members. We recently added our 10th branch in Demopolis, Alabama to better serve the needs of those members and companies located in the surrounding counties.

Services Provided

The company provides debt consolidation and other financialservices with over 9 branches throughout Alabama. Furthermore, it provides services to over 900 corporate employees throughout Alabama.

Future Expansion Plans

Alabama Central Credit Union plans to open its 10th branch in Alabama as well as provide more ATM machines, expand its line of financial services and capture new markets.

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