Debt Free With Debtshifter

In modern times, the guilt is such a part of our lives and living without it may take a completely different way of thinking and living of the consumers. But at the same time we must point out that the debt is not all bad. Some large parts of the value of a house or education offers enormous advantages, if they financed with loans. The main culprit for the debt on a credit card or cards, and the biggest problems for consumers

Advisers generally recommend not more than fifteen to twenty percent of your net income (which is income after taxes) is going to pay for consumer debt. While this may seem a lot, we must not forget that if you pay interest on the capital they tend to be quite high.

The first step to obtaining a debt reduction loan is to take stock of what outstanding accounts you have. You should gather up your latest monthly statements from all the accounts you wish to consolidate so that both you and your potential lender will know how much money you need to borrow. Using a spreadsheet, add up all the outstanding balances and use that amount as a starting point for how much money you will borrow. By doing this you will also be able to use one of the many free loan calculators available online to estimate what your monthly payment will be.

After you have determined how much you want to borrow, the next step is to locate a lender. In today's credit market locating a lender may not be easy. There are many debt consolidation companies doing business online, however, and by shopping around you should be able to find someone willing to service you. In choosing a lender you should pay special attention to the repayment terms, including APR interest rate, repayment period and other restrictions on the loan. Some lenders may require you to put up collateral, such as a home, in order to secure a debt reduction loan.

Once you've found a lender, they will be able to walk you through their individual application process. Most lenders offering debt reduction loans are used to working with people with less than perfect credit, so do not be intimidate if you are in that situation.

After you've been approved for the loan, the lender may disburse the funds directly to your other creditors or may send the check to you. Either way, your credit accounts will be paid off and you will only have to worry about one account and one payment from that day forward!

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