5 great ideas to save money for you

A savings account is one thing, but saving money on your everyday purchases is another. Here are a few tips on how to save money in your everyday life:

  • Negotiate – If you are buying a home or a car or any other purchase that will require financing, be sure that you use your best negotiation skills. The heart of this money saving idea is to get the best all around deal. Are you getting the lowest purchase price or interest rate possible? Make sure you are with tough negotiating.
  • Feed an Army for a Private's Pay – If you have a family and find that the costs of food alone are enough to make you choke on your dinner, than a great money saving idea is to rethink your habits. How often do you eat out? The average family cannot afford to eat out more than they eat at home and if you are doing so, than that could be the root of your problem. Food is one of only a few necessities in life. Make the most of your food dollar.
  • Generics Rule – Do you think your kids can tell the difference between Post Raisin Bran and Publix Raisin bran? Probably not. Generic versions of name brand products provide people with savings without sacrifice. From prescription drugs to pencils, you can save a bunch by purchasing generics instead of name brands.
  • Stay In! – How often are you going out to eat? Even if you're a couple without children, in general people can't afford to eat out more than they stay in and cook. Keep track of your restaurant expenditures for a month and you'll be shocked at how much money you can save by learning to cook at home!
  • Ignore Branding – Manufacturers of everything, including food, clothing and everything else spend millions of dollars on marketing and branding. Don't fall for it! Get generic versions of your favorite products – they are probably just as good.
These are just a few money saving ideas for the average person. Only you know how your money is spent and, therefore, where you can save more.

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